A world flourishing in positive impact change
To inspire, nurture and support people co-creating great change in the world.
Providing people with the tools to make positive impact change a reality.


 Inclusivity: Positive impact change is available to everyone.

 Transparency: Co-creation of positive change in an open, accessible way.

 Accountability: Being willing to be responsible for the change we want to see in the world.

About Heather

Hi, I am Heather, and I am passionate about making a difference in the world.  It has always inspired me to see positive change take place and understand how it is happening. Now, that passion has expanded to empowering others to make a difference in the areas of life that are important to them. My life-long commitment to positive change and personal development is expressed through my powerful positive change program, known as the Positive Change Initiative.

After a holiday in Sri Lanka and witnessing both the potential as well as huge barriers for young people in the country I had this crazy idea to set up a Learning Centre to foster self-expression, language learning, cultural exchange and more connectedness with the environment.Through the Changemaker Money Workshop, Heather’s coaching and the support from the Changemaker community the project became reality.

Daniela Noehlen

Director, MindGarden Sri Lanka

She is an AMAZING life coach, specialising in working with and empowering Changemakers, and I very very very highly recommend her services. Through her coaching I distinguished my limiting belief that money can only be generated through “hard work” – being brought up on a farm and involved in heavy labour from a young age, to me ‘work’ basically meant blood, sweat and tears, and I resisted it. Today, I am ‘working hard’ which can be fun, lively, done with enthusiasm and enjoyable – and my business is thriving, bringing beautiful hats to women around the world.

Sahar Freemantle

Founder, Sahar Millinery

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. It is a very good course for those who are the beginner. luck with the new studies!

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People no longer want to be given the answers, they want to be empowered to find their own.

Heather Salmon

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